SCI articles


De Cáceres M, Casals P, Gabriel E, Castro F. 2019.  Scaling-up individual-level allometric equations to predict stand- level fuel loading in Mediterranean shrublands. Annals of Forest Science

Blanc S, Gasol CM, Martínez-Blanco J, Muñoz O, Coello J, Casals P, Mosso A, Brun F. 2019. Economic profitability of agroforestry in nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 17(1) e0101, 16 pages.

Pereira-Silva, EFL, Casals P, Sodk L, Delitti WBC, Vallejo VR. 2019. Post-fire nitrogen uptake and allocation by two resprouting herbaceous species with contrasting belowground traits. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 159, 157-167


Casals P, Valor T, Rios A I, Shipley B. 2018 Leaf and bark functional traits predict resprouting strategies of understory woody species after prescribed fires. For.Ecol.Manage. 429, 158-174.

Casals P, Rios AI. 2018. Burning intensity and low light availability reduce resprouting ability and vigor of Buxus sempervirens L. after clearing. Sci. Total Environ. 627c, 403-416

Lopez-Sangil L, Hartley I P, Rovira P, Casals P, Sayer E 2018. Drying and rewetting conditions differentially affect the mineralization of fresh plant litter and extant soil organic matter. Soil Biol. Biochem., 124, 81-89

Valor T, Casals P, González-Olabarria JR, Piqué M, Battipaglia G. 2018. Disentangling the effects of crown scorch and competition release on the physiological and growth response of Pinus halepensis Mill using δ13C and δ18O isotopes. For. Ecol. Manage. 424, 276-287


Valor T, González-Olabarria JR, Piqué M, Casals P. 2017. The effects of burning season and severity on the mortality over time of Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii (Dunal) Franco and P. sylvestris L. For. Ecol.  Manage. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2017.08.027

Valor T, Ormeño E, Casals P. 2017. Temporal effects of prescribed burning on terpene production in Mediterranean pines. Tree Physiology, doi:10.1093/treephys/tpx069

Garcia-Pausas J, Rabissi A, Rovira P, Romanyà J 2017. Organic fertilisation increases C and N stocks and reduces soil organic matter stability in Mediterranean vegetable gardens. Land Degradation & Development 28, 691-698


Traba J, Casals P, Broto F, Camprodon J, Giralt D, Guixé D, Mechergui R, Rios A, Sales S, Taull M, Ammari Y, Solano D, Bota G. 2016. Coexistence and habitat partitioning at micro- and macro-scales of rodent species in a North African desert (Bou-Hedma National Park, Tunisia). Journal of Arid Environments 131, 46 – 58

Casals P, Valor T, Besalú A, Molina D. 2016. Understory fuel load and structure eight to nine years after prescribed burning in Mediterranean pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 362:156-168

Graham EB, Knelman JE, Schindlbacher A, Siciliano S, Breulmann M, Yannarell A, Beman JM, Abell G, Philippot L, Prosser J, Foulquier A, Yuste JC, Glanville HC, Jones DL, Angel R, Salminen J, Newton RJ, Bürgmann H, Ingram LJ, Hamer U, Siljanen HM,Peltoniemi K, Potthast K, Bañeras L, Hartmann M, Banerjee S, Yu RQ, Nogaro G, Richter A, Koranda M, Castle SC, Goberna M,Song B, Chatterjee A, Nunes OC, Lopes AR, Cao Y, Kaisermann A, Hallin S, Strickland MS, Garcia-Pausas J, Barba J, Kang H, Isobe K, Papaspyrou S, Pastorelli R, Lagomarsino A, Lindström ES, Basiliko N, Nemergut DR. 2016. Microbes as Engines of Ecosystem Function: When Does Community Structure Enhance Predictions of Ecosystem Processes?           Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, fiv113


Casals P, Camprodon J, Caritat A, Ríos A I, Guixé D, Garcia-Marti X, Martín-Alcón S, Coll L, 2015. Forest structure of Mediterranean yew (Taxus baccata L.) populations and neighbor effects on juvenile yew performance in the NE Iberian Peninsula. Forest Systems, 24(3): e042, 10 pages.

Cáceres M, Martínez-Vilalta J, Coll Ll, Llorens P, Casals P, Poyatos R, Pausas JG, Brotons Ll., 2015. Coupling a water balance model with forest inventory data to predict drought stress: the role of forest structural changes vs. climate changes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 213:77-99

Berninger F, Susiluoto S, Gianelle D, Bahn M, Wohlfahrt G, Sutton M, Garcia-Pausas J, Gimeno C, Sanz M.J, Dore S, Rogiers N, Furger M, Eugster W, Balzarolo M, Sebastià M-T, Tenhunen J, Staszewski T, Cernusca A, 2015.     Management and site effects on carbon balances of European mountain meadows and rangelands. Boreal Environment Research, 20, 748-760

Rovira P., Sauras T., Salgado J. & Merino A. 2015. Towards sound comparisons of soil carbon stocks: A proposal based on the cumulative coordinates approach. Catena 133, 420-431.

Baptist, F, Iker, A, Legay N, Lopez-Sangil L, Molero G, Rovira P. 2015. Rhizodeposition of organic carbon by plants with contrasting traits for resource acquisition: responses to different fertility regimes. Plant and Soil, 394(1), DOI:10.1007/s11104-015-2531-4

Alrefai J, Rovira P, Alsewailem F, Abaalkheel I, Alsolami A, Albishi H, Alfantokh S, 2015. Un-Composted Sheep and Cow Manures as a Source of Commercial Humic Amendments: An Exploratory Study. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46(9). DOI:10.1080/00103624.2015.1019084

Bellera C, Abaalkheel I, Alrefai J, Rovira P. 2015. Obtaining commercial humic products from uncomposted manures: previous acid hydrolysis to enhance yields International Journal of Recycling Waste in Agriculture, 4: 219-231.

Doblas-Miranda E., Rovira P., Brotons L., Martinez-Vilalta J., Retana J., Pla M., Vayreda J. 2014. Soil carbon stocks and their variability across the forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain. Biogeosciences 10, 8353-8361

Valor, T., González-Olabarria, J.R., Piqué, M. 2015. Assessing the impact of prescribed burning on the growth of four European pines. Forest Ecology and Management, 343: 101-109

Martí-Roura M, Rovira P, Casals P, Romanyà J. 2014. Post-fire mineral N allocation and stabilisation in soil particle size fractions in Mediterranean grassland and shrubland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 75:124-132

Rusch GM, Zapata PC, Casanoves F, Casals P, Ibrahim M, DeClerk F. 2014. Determinants of grassland primary production in seasonally-dry silvopastoral systems in Central America. Agroforestry Systems, 88(3), 517-526.


Martí-Roura M, Rovira P, Casals P, Romanyà J. 2014. Post-fire mineral N allocation and stabilisation in soil particle size fractions in Mediterranean grassland and shrubland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 75:124-132

Rusch GM, Zapata PC, Casanoves F, Casals P, Ibrahim M, DeClerk F. 2014. Determinants of grassland primary production in seasonally-dry silvopastoral systems in Central America. Agroforestry Systems, 88(3), 517-526

Casals P, Romero J, Rusch GM, Ibrahim M. 2014. Soil organic C and nutrient contents under trees with different functional characteristics in seasonally dry tropical silvopastures. Plant and Soil, in press.


Martí-Roura M, Casals P, Romanyà J. 2013. Long-term retention of post-fire soil mineral nitrogen pools in Mediterranean shrubland and grassland. Plant and Soil, 10.1007/s11104-013-1714-0

Lopez-Sangil L, Rovira P, Casals P 2013. Decay and vertical reallocation of organic C, and its incorporation into carbonates, in agricultural soil horizons at two different depths and rewetting frequencies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61, 33-44

Lopez-Sangil L, Rovira P 2013. Sequential chemical extractions of the mineral- associated soil organic matter: an integrated approach for the fractionation of organo- mineral complexes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 57-67.

Montané F, Romanyà J, Rovira P, Casals P 2013. Mixtures with grass litter may hasten shrub litter decomposition after shrub encroachment into mountain grasslands. Plant and Soil, 368 (1-2), 459-469


Rovira P., Duguy B. & Romanyà J. 2012.  Long-term effects of wildfires on the biochemical quality of soil organic matter: a study on mediterranean shrublands. Geoderma 179-180, 9-19.

Duguy B., Alloza J.A., Baeza M. J., De la Riva J., Echeverría M., Ibarra P., Llovet J., Pérez-Cabello F., Rovira P. & Vallejo V.R. 2012. Modelling the ecological vulnerability to forest fires in Mediterranean ecosystems using geographic information technologies. Environmental Management 50, 1012-1026.

Garcia-Pausas, J., Casals, P., Rovira, P., Vallecillo, S., Sebastià, M.T., Romanyà, J., 2012. Decomposition of labelled roots and root-C and -N allocation between soil fractions in mountain grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 49, 61-69.


Montané F, Casals P, Dale MRT,  2011. How spatial heterogeneity of cover affects patterns of shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands.  PLoS ONE 6(12): e28652. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028652

Ka?a J, Kopá?ek J, Camarero L, Garcia-Pausas J, 2011. Phosphate sorption characteristics of European alpine soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75: 862-870

Lopez-Sangil L, Rovira P, 2011. Individual closed chamber: an alternative method for quantifying 14C in both labeled organic and inorganic carbon substrates. Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533?011?9643?6

Casals P, Lopez-Sangil L, Carrara A, Gimeno C, Nogués S, 2011. Autotrophic and heterotrophic contributions to short-term soil CO2 efflux following simulated summer precipitation pulses in a Mediterranean dehesa. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB 3012, doi:10.1029/2010GB003973

Resco V, Ferrio JP, Carreira JA, Calvo L, Casals P, Ferrero-Serrano A, Marcos E, Moreno JM, Ramírez DA, Sebastià MT, Valladares F, Williams DG, 2011. The stable isotope ecology of terrestrial plant succession. Plant Ecology & Diversity, doi: 10.1080/17550874.2011.576708

Garcia-Pausas J, Casals P, Romanya J, Vallecillo S. Sebastià MT, 2011. Seasonal patterns of belowground biomass and productivity in mountain grasslands in the Pyrenees. Plant and Soil, 340: 315-326

Garcia-Pausas J, Paterson, E. 2011. Microbial community abundance and structure are determinants of soil organic matter mineralisation in the presence of labile carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43: 1705-1713

Batriu E., Pino J., Rovira P, Ninot JM, 2011. Environmental control of plant species abundance in a microtidal Mediterranean saltmarsh. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 358-366.

Martí-Roura M, Casals P, Romanyà J, 2011. Temporal changes in soil organic C under Mediterranean shrublands and grasslands: Impact of fire and drought. Plant and Soil, 338: 289-300

Lopez-Sangil L, Rousk J, Wallander H, Casals P, 2011. Microbial growth measurements reveal that land-use abandonment promotes a fungal dominance of SOM decomposition in grazed Mediterranean ecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47: 129–138  doi: 10.1007/s00374-010-0510-8

Romanyà J, Rovira P, 2011. An appraisal of soil organic C content in Mediterranean agricultural soils. Soil Use and Management, 27: 321-332.


Casals P, Garcia-Pausas J, Montané F, Romanyà J, Rovira P, 2010. Root decomposition in grazed and abandoned Mediterranean and mountain grasslands estimated by standard labelled roots. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139: 759-765, doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2010.10.013.

Montané F, Romanyà J, Rovira P, Casals P, 2010. Aboveground litter quality changes may drive soil organic carbon increase after shrub encroachment into mountain grasslands. Plant and Soil, 337: 151-165.

Montané F, Casals P, Taull M, Lambert B, Dale MRT, 2010. Spatial patterns of shrub encroachment in neighbouring grassland communities in the Pyrenees: floristic composition heterogeneity drives shrub proliferation rates. Plant Ecology, 211: 267-278.

Rovira P, Rovira R, 2010. Mathematical description of litter decomposition: Towards a generalised exponential approach. Geoderma, 155: 329-343.

Rovira P, Jorba M, Romanyà J, 2010. Active and passive organic matter fractions in Mediterranean forest soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46: 355-369.

Duguy B, Rovira P, 2010. Differential thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry of soil organic matter in mineral horizons: effects of wildfires and land use. Organic Geochemistry, 41: 742-752.

Fornale S, Shi X, Chai C, Encina A, Irar S, Capellades M, Fuguet E, Torres JL, Rovira P, Puigdomènech P, Rigau J, Grotewold E, Gray J, Caparrós-Ruiz D, 2010. ZmMYB31 directly represses maize lignin genes and redirects the phenylpropanoid metabolic flux. The Plant Journal, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365?313X.2010.04363.x.


Camarero L, Garcia-Pausas J, Huguet C, 2009. A method for upscaling soil parameters for use in a dynamic modelling assessment of water quality in the Pyrenees. Science of the Total Environment 407: 1701-1714

Casals P, Gimeno C, Carrara A, Lopez-Sangil L, Sanz MJ, 2009. Soil CO2 efflux and extractable organic carbon fractions under simulated precipitation events in a Mediterranean Dehesa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: 1915-1922.

De Bello F, Buchmann N, Casals P, Leps J, Sebastià MT, 2009. Relating plant species and functional diversity to community d 13C in NE Spain pastures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 131: 303-307.

Montané F, Casals P, Taull M, Lambert B, Dale MRT, 2009.  Spatial patterns of shrub cover after different fire disturbances in the Pyrenees. Annals of Forest Science, 66: 612.

Rovira P, Duguy B, Vallejo VR, 2009. Black carbon in wildfire-affected mediterranean shrubland soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 172: 43-52.

Grasset L, Rovira P, Amblès A, 2009. TMAH-preparative thermochemolysis for the characterization of organic matter in densimetric fractions of a mediterranean forest soil. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 85: 435-441.

Sonbol FM, Fornalé S, Capellades M, Encina A, Touriño S, Torres JL, Rovira P, Ruel K, Puigdomènech P, Rigau J, Caparrós-Ruiz D, 2009. The maize ZmMYB42 represses the phenylpropanoid pathway and affects the cell wall structure, composition and degradability in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 70: 283-296.

Romanyà J, Rovira P, 2009. Organic and inorganic P reserves in rain-fed and irrigated calcareous soils under long-term organic and conventional agriculture. Geoderma, 151: 378-386.


Garcia-Pausas J, Casals P., Camarero Ll, Huguet C, Sebastià MT, Thomson R, Romanya J, 2008. Factors regulating carbon mineralization in the surface and subsurface soils of the Pyrenean mountain grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2008.08.001.

Rovira P, Kurz-Besson C, Coûteaux MM, Vallejo VR, 2008. Changes in litter properties during decomposition in European pine forests: A differential thermogravimetry and scanning calorimetry study. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40: 172-185.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2008. Changes in 13C composition of soil carbonates driven by organic matter decomposition under Mediterranean climate: a field incubation experiment. Geoderma, 144: 517-534.

Rovira P, Kurz-Besson C, Hernàndez P, Coûteaux MM, Vallejo VR, 2008. The amino acid signature of decomposing litter. Plant and Soil, 307: 149-166.

Sebastia MT, de Bello F, Puig L, Taull M, 2008. Grazing as a factor structuring grassland in the Pyrenees. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(2): 215-223


Montané F, Rovira P, Casals P, 2007. Shrub encroachment into mesic mountain grasslands in the Iberian peninsula: Effects of plant quality and temperature on soil C and N stocks. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, doi:10.1029/2006GB002853.

Garcia-Pausas J, Casals P, Camarero Ll, Huguet C, Sebastià MT, Thomson R, Romanya J, 2007. Soil organic carbon storage in mountain grasslands of the Pyrenees: Effects of climate and topography. Biogeochemistry, 82: 279-289.

Duguy B, Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2007. Land use history and fire effects on soil fertility in eastern Spain. European Journal of Soil Science, 58: 83-91.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2007. Labile, recalcitrant and inert organic matter in mediterranean forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 39: 202-215.

Romanyà J, Rovira P, 2007. Labile phosphorus forms in irrigated and rainfed semiarid mediterranean grassy crops with long-term organic or conventional farming practices. European Journal of Agronomy, 27: 62-71.


Casals P, Romanya J, Vallejo VR, 2005. Short-term N2 fixation by legume seedlings and resprouts after fire in Mediterranean old-fields. Biogeochemistry, 76: 477- 501

Rovira P, Hernàndez P, Coûteaux MM, Vallejo VR, 2005. Changes in the amino acid composition of decomposing plant materials in soil: species and depth effects. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36: 2933-2950.

Sebastià MT, Casals P, Vojnikovi? S, Boguni? F, Beus V, 2005. Plant diversity and soil properties in pristine and managed stands from Bosnian mixed forests. Forestry, 78: 297- 303.


Garcia-Pausas J, Casals P, Romanyà J, 2004. Litter decomposition and faunal activity in Mediterranean forest soils. effects of N content and of the moss layer. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36: 989- 997.


Coûteaux MM, Berg B,  Rovira P, 2003. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the determination of some soil organic matter fractions including microbial biomass in coniferous forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 35: 1587-1600.

Reichstein M, Rey A, Freibauer A, Tenhunen J, Valentini R,  Banza J, Casals P, Cheng Y, Grünzweig JM, Irvine J, Joffre R, Law BE, Loustau D, Miglietta F, Oechel W, Ourcival JM, Pereira JS, Peressotti A, Ponti F, Qi Y, Rambal S, Rayment M, Romanya J, Rossi F, Tedeschi V, Tirone G, Xu M, Yakir D, 2003. Modelling temporal and large-scale spatial variability of soil respiration from soil water availability, temperature and vegetation productivity indices. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17: 1104.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2003. Physical protection and biochemical quality of organic matter in mediterranean calcareous forest soils: a density fractionation approach. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 35: 245-261.


Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2002. Labile and recalcitrant pools of carbon and nitrogen in organic matter decomposing at different depths in soil: an acid hydrolysis approach. Geoderma, 107: 109-141.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR. 2002. Mineralization of carbon and nitrogen from plant debris, as affected by debris size and depth of burial. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 34: 327-339.


Coûteaux MM, Bottner P, Anderson JM, Berg B, Bolger T, Casals P, Romanyà J, Thiéry JM, Vallejo VR, 2001. Decomposition of 13C labelled standard plant material in a latitudinal transect of European coniferous forests: Differential impact of climate on the decomposition of soil organic mater compartments. Biogeochemistry, 54: 147-170.

Romanyà J, Casals P, Vallejo VR, 2001. Short-term effects of fire severity on soil nitrogen availability in Mediterranean grasslands and shrublands growing in old fields. Forest Ecology and Management, 147: 39- 53.

Sheppard PR, Casals P, Gutiérrez E, 2001. Relationships between ring-width variation and soil nutrient availability at the tree scale. Tree-Ring Research, 57: 105- 113.

2000 and before

Bottner P, Coûteaux MM, Anderson JM, Berg B, Billès G, Bolger T, Casabianca H, Romanyà J, Rovira P, 2000. Decomposition of 13C?labelled plant material in a European 65?40degree latitudinal transect of coniferous forest soils: Simulation of climate change by translocation of soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 32: 527?543.

Casals P, Romanyà J, Cortina J, Bottner P, Coûteaux MM, Vallejo VR, 2000. CO2 efflux from a Mediterranean semi-arid forest soil. I Seasonality and effects of stoniness. Biogeochemistry 48: 261-281.

Romanyà J, Casals P, Cortina J, Bottner P, Coûteaux MM, Vallejo VR, 2000. CO2 efflux from a Mediterranean semi-arid forest soil. II Effects of soil fauna and surface stoniness. Biogeochemistry, 48:  283 – 306.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2000. Decomposition of Medicago sativa debris incubated at different depths under Mediterranean climate. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation, 14: 265-280.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 2000. Evaluating thermal and acid hydrolysis methods as indicators of soil organic matter quality. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 31: 81-100.

Rovira P, Casals P, Romanyà J, Bottner P, Coûteaux MM, Vallejo VR, 1998. Recovery of fresh debris of different sizes in density fractions of two contrasting soils. European Journal of Soil Biology, 34: 31-37.

Rovira P, Vallejo VR, 1997. Organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization under mediterranean climatic conditions: the effects of incubation depth. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 29: 1509-1520.

Casals P, Romanyà J, Cortina J, Fons J, Bode M, Vallejo VR, 1995. Nitrogen supply rate in scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of contrasting slope aspect. Plant and Soil, 168-169: 67-73.