Understory shrubs play an important role in forest functioning as they may compete with overstory trees for soil resources and increase the risk of fire propagation. Moreover, shrub encroachment into grassland may decrease pastoral value and increase fire hazard to surrounding forests. However, shrubs may have value as a fodder resource or alternative biomass energy, and shrub formations may have non-marketable values as C sinks or biodiversity hot-spots. Thus, forest managers are increasingly interested to develop strategies to manage the multifunctional benefits of these formations in a context of global change. Management for all these goods and services simultaneously may require tradeoffs in most cases. This research aims to contribute to provide knowledge and tools for the management strategies and decision process. The overall aim of this research is to gain knowledge on shrub responses and effects on soil and ecosystem function after disturbances caused by these different management activities. Specifically, this research line addresses the following objectives:
– To determine the mechanistic drivers of the response of different functional shrub types to management disturbances
– To understand the trade-offs between different management techniques and shrub formations
– To estimate how contrasting management practices affect ecosystem function, including pastoral value and soil fertility
– To define key processes for modelling ecosystem changes associated to different management options
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Montané F, Casals P, Dale MRT, 2011. How spatial heterogeneity of cover affects patterns of shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands. PLoS ONE, in press.
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